Hey all! A while ago (like four months, wow!) BioLuminescentSpirit created a discussion post talking about what we should do about Metapotence and Ultipotence. You can find that here:
User blog:BioLuminescentSpirit/Regarding the Existence of Metapotence and Ultipotence
Today, quite some time later, I am announcing the results of that discussion. I know it was a long time ago, and my life in the last 4 months has been incredibly hectic so I've not had a lot of time for the wiki. I hope you can all accept my sincere apologies!
In favor of removing both Metapotence and Ultipotence: 24
In favor of removing just Ultipotence: 1
In favor of removing just Metapotence: 3
In favor of keeping both on the mainspace: 9
Being that the numbers are so heavily in favor of a removal for both, that's what's going to happen! Metapotence and Ultipotence will both both be turned over to DYBAD's blog since he originally created both and has generally shown some investment in their continuation. They will continue on as Userspace powers.
Following is a full breakdown of the votes by user (names current at time tally was taken):
In Favor of Removing Both:
- RyanKraftBR
- Michael Membrane
- Divinemutantpower1384
- SageF
- Queen Carmine
- The lost RAM from having 1000 chrome tabs open
- Ted Gabriel
- ThePirateKing777
- LightBuster30
- Denmarkfelix
- BioLuminescentSpirit
- Inferno Pendragon
- Mcfat10
- Astreax
- Diorno Brandovanna
- SuperPimp80
- Reaper Bruh Sans
- Clara Sirius
- Can Perk
- Kyoku123
- Qwertyboi89
- NexnapThePhilosophist
- Meta-Magician
- Necrotifice
In Favor of Keeping Both:
- JxshLovesStrangerThings
- AzQth
- Raybat
- MalSpider
- Carey Welsh Jones
- Omni-Defiance
- Esalt TFB
- Paradox the Phoenix
- Rowan Witehorn
In Favor of Removing Ultipotence:
- SunlightSoul123
In Favor of Removing Metapotence:
- App4lyon
- Morningstar123
- Fallen221
The powers can be found at their new locations here: