Superpower Wiki
Black Lotus


Dumb Guy (by everyone)

Bernardo Oliveira (human body's name; formerly)

Supreme Overlord of Darkness (self-proclaimed)


Human (body); Sentient Alien Parasite/Virus


Chaotic Evil




18 years old (body); Unknown (parasite)

Birth Day

January 31th (body); Unknown (parasite)

Hair Color


Eye Color



Variable, usually 1m70cm



Personal Data
Birth Place

São Lucas, Paraná, Brazil (body)

Unknown (parasite)








Base of Operation


Power Level

High 6-C, higher w/ Umbrakinesis | 3-C (at Night)

Ambition is what moves me, and there's nothing to intecerced! Afterall, I'm darkness hiself!!

Black Lotus is a chaotic supervillain, who is actually a sentient parasite who possessed the body of a human man named Bernardo.


Black Lotus possessed the body of an adult man of a short stature and average built with white skin, messy and short black hair, and brown eyes. After the possession, the eyes turned into completely black, and his iris became yellow.

Generally, as a casual outfit, he uses a dark grey hoodie, with a black t-shirt, black pants, and black shoes; the legs are actually darkness constructs, since the original ones were destroyed. When he is doing his villainous things, all of his clothes "disappears", and some parts of his body turns into darkness and physical shadows, and giant spider-like legs appears from his back.


Black Lotus epitomizes sadism, idiocy, and a bloodthirsty nature, finding gratification solely in witnessing the suffering of his unfortunate victims. Initially, he emerged as one of the TGZ's earliest adversaries, their local heroes swiftly overcoming his feeble attempts. Consequently, an immeasurable hatred consumes him, fueling his vendetta against the TGZ.

In essence, Black Lotus embodies a homicidal maniac who relishes in the act of killing without the slightest concern for the lives he extinguishes. Driven by ambition, he yearns to acquire additional powers to ensure the definitive defeat of his enemies. However, his endeavors are marred by sheer stupidity, as he repeatedly formulates futile and ineffectual schemes, inevitably leading to his defeat at the hands of the TGZ. This cycle of failure perpetually plunges him into sadness.

Ironically, despite his villainous disposition, Black Lotus harbors an inherent fear of sufficiently powerful individuals, excluding the formidable TGZ. When confronted by such adversaries, he trembles in complete terror, retreating from any potential confrontation. Fearing the taste of defeat, he avoids battle unless coerced, shedding copious tears whenever forced to flee.

Occasionally, in a surprising turn of events, Black Lotus can assume the role of a dependable ally. When Hekon emerged as a formidable force against the TGZ, Black Lotus's wrath was kindled, as he detested the notion of someone usurping his position as their "main enemy." Thus, he begrudgingly aligned himself with Hyper, driven by a deep-seated fear of being forgotten by the very people who granted him a sense of purpose. Despite his self-loathing and overwhelming feelings of weakness, this unlikely alliance emerged, albeit temporarily.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Mutant Physiology: The enigmatic origins of Lotus remain shrouded in mystery, save for the knowledge that the "alien parasite" which possesses him initially inhabited a human host. Upon invading Bernardo's body, the sentient virus unleashed a transformative process, honing his entire being to superhuman levels of strength, speed, durability, and regeneration while also bestowing upon him a host of supernatural powers.
    • Superhuman Strength: Lotus possesses strength surpassing that of ordinary humans, capable of effortlessly lifting colossal weights up to thousands of tons. With this incredible power, he can easily crush skulls, demolish walls, leap great heights, and overwhelm countless adversaries simultaneously. Additionally, Lotus can amplify his strength through transformative states, augmenting his muscle mass and overall attributes to levels that rival previously unbeatable opponents.
    • Superhuman Speed: Bolstered by his powerful legs, Lotus possesses swiftness surpassing that of the average human, though it falls short of the capabilities of the most fleet-footed individuals. He can outpace sports cars and reach astonishing speeds of up to Mach 5, rendering him little more than a blur to onlookers. The extent of his hidden potential hints at a capacity to surpass even the confines of light-speed.
      • Superhuman Reflexes: Lotus boasts exceptional reflexes, a natural complement to his speed, enabling him to evade attacks even from energy beams moving at light-speed and other swift onslaughts.
    • Superhuman Agility: Lotus's bodily coordination and agility far exceed those of the most accomplished human athletes, affording him unrivaled dexterity and fluidity of movement.
    • Invulnerability: Lotus's bones and muscles possess unparalleled rigidity and resilience, rendering him impervious to firearms, blades, and an array of other conventional weapons. His body can endure substantial physical trauma, and his circulatory system, rendered obsolete, grants him immunity to bleeding.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Lotus's endurance is extraordinary, enabling him to remain awake and active for an entire month without requiring sleep.
    • Darkness Manipulation: Lotus wields control over darkness and shadows, allowing him to shape and manipulate this obscure force. By accessing a dimension of darkness energy, he can shroud his surroundings in impenetrable gloom. The darkness can manifest as a solid substance, granting him the ability to manipulate beings within this realm, create shields and areas of total darkness, fashion structures and weapons, and even traverse vast distances by teleporting through shadows. Moreover, this power exhibits anti-gravitational effects, enabling Lotus to attract or repulse individuals and objects. Furthermore, he can employ this power to affect non-corporeal entities, including launching assaults against their souls.
      • Darkness Empowerment: Notably, during the nighttime hours, Black Lotus experiences a substantial increase in power. The mere presence of his aura can induce destructive forces, causing nearby objects to rupture and individuals to feel unwell. However, owing to his human vessel, he succumbs to drowsiness at nightfall, preventing him from fully unleashing his true might.
      • Umbrakinetic Regeneration: Despite his durability, Lotus can experience pain and suffer physical damage, including the loss of limbs. However, his remarkable regenerative abilities (through his darkness powers) enable him to restore his entire body within minutes, or in some instances, seconds, even if reduced to pulverized atoms. Curiously, his regenerative powers do not extend to his legs, a perplexing limitation that eludes his understanding.
        • Self-Sustenance: The parasitic entity within Lotus renders him entirely self-sufficient, independent of any vital bodily functions.
      • Umbra-Telekinesis: By harnessing darkness and shadows, Lotus can manipulate and levitate matter, exerting control over physical objects.
      • Night Vision: Through his command over darkness and shadows, Lotus gains the ability to perceive clearly in environments devoid of light, granting him exceptional night vision.
    • Immortality/Resurrection: Lotus possesses immortality, capable of resurrecting himself multiple times, provided his "central core" remains intact. This singular, highly specific cell resides somewhere within his brain. Naturally, he guards this knowledge closely, for he is not entirely devoid of intelligence.
      • Mind Anchoring: Remarkably, Lotus's mind proves impervious to any attempts at alteration or penetration, surpassing even the most formidable psychic techniques.
    • Possession: As an alien parasite, Lotus can invade and seize control of other individuals' bodies, as exemplified by his current human host, Bernardo. A peculiar facet of this ability is that the host body, once possessed, is irreversibly consumed, rendering resurrection impossible due to the parasite's capacity to dismantle and subsume vital organs. The possessed bodies undergo specific alterations, such as assuming a form cloaked in constructs of darkness (rendering them mostly black), eyes turning black with yellow irises, and teeth becoming exceedingly sharp.
    • Partial Transformation: Lotus can selectively transform specific parts of his body, either independently or into a state between two distinct forms. He continually employs this power to manifest giant spider-like legs from his back, enabling him to move swiftly and with ease, compensating for the near-complete destruction of his original legs, which he cannot regenerate.
      • Wing Manifestation: By conjuring wings resembling those of flying creatures such as birds or bats, Lotus gains the ability to fly. However, due to the limitations of his humanoid physique, flight efficiency is somewhat compromised.
      • Fang Retraction: Lotus can summon razor-sharp, formidable teeth capable of rending prey. This power grants him a formidable biting capacity.
        • Powerful Bite: His teeth possess extraordinary sharpness, enabling him to fracture even the most resilient metals known to humankind.
      • Claw Retraction: Lotus can generate immense claws on various parts of his body, such as his nails, creating formidable weapons that are both razor-sharp and substantial.
        • Natural Weaponry: As previously mentioned, Lotus possesses mastery over his own body, utilizing it as a diverse arsenal of formidable weaponry.


  • None (he is terrible at everything).


  • He is extremely incompetent, making terrible plans to "defeat" the TGZ and other heroes, it doesn't give up even if it fails all the times.
  • He has a below average human intellect.


HOLY SHIT!!! Y-you're very p-powerful... screw this! I'm outta of that!

Hyper!! We met again, huh??? Look at me! I'm back! No matter how many times someone kill me, I always come back!

Am I a joke to you?

I may be a lot of things! A sociopath! A coward! A penguin! But none of this matters at the end! Why? 'Cus I'm his and their only enemy! And I'll not let ya take my purpose of keep returning, or rather... keep living!


  • Bernardo's mind is currently stored in a robot, so he is now a cyborg (Botnard-577; B0577 for short), while his original body was taken over by Black Lotus.
  • B0577 now helps the TGZ in every fight they have against Lotus to reward what his other "self" does, and he wants the TGZ to give him a new body (as he doesn't like to be a cyborg inside a robotic body).
    • Black Lotus has already tried to kill B0577 several times.
  • Black Lotus's signature move, "Eclipse Assault," involves enveloping himself in a dome of impenetrable darkness, allowing him to disorient and overpower his enemies.
  • The reason of why he can't regenerate his legs was when the parasite was adapting to the body, so he extracted energy/muscles from them to be able to be formed, but now he can't regenerate them.
    • Lotus yet doesn't know about this.
  • Black Lotus has a fear of cats, which stems from an incident involving a stray feline that scratched him while he was attempting to terrorize a local playground.
  • Whenever the TGZ sees/meets with it, they become instantly bored.
    • Literally, EVERY time.
  • Black Lotus is so incompetent, that he can believe in anyone who gives "tips" of how to defeat the TGZ, it doesn't matter if they are reliable or not.
  • We have never seen him at full power because he sleeps at night.
  • Despite his villainous nature, Black Lotus occasionally exhibits moments of empathy, particularly when encountering individuals who have faced similar struggles or have been victims of injustice.
  • Actually, Black Lotus isn't an alien parasite; but rather, one of Eskeleton's creation.
    • Eskeleton implemented false memories on Lotus because he deemed it as a "failure" and wanted it to leave him alone.