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Superpower Wiki

The power to move through warped spacetime unaffected. Sub-power of Warp Manipulation. Variation of Unrestricted Movement.

Also Called[]

  • Warped Mobility/Motion
  • Warped Spacetime Mobility/Motion/Movement


The user has the ability to move through warped spacetime unaffected. Alien geometries, doors that lead to the room one was in or to unconnected rooms, paths that lead to different dimensions before the actual destination, looping space time areas, upside down areas, areas that are literally unreachable no matter how far one goes, shrinking or elongating distances, accelerated or slowing time and other strange physics do not affect the user, and they can move normally through them.




  • May not have control over the strange environment they are in.
  • May be limited to certain kinds of warped environments.

Known Objects[]

  • Mr. Small (The Amazing World of Gumball)

