The power to use the abilities of wasps. Variation of Insect Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Wasp Body/Form/Mimicry
The user with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into wasps.
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Strength
- Lunglessness
- Powerful Bite
- Size Reduction
- Stinger Protrusion
- Very limited Honey Generation
- Wallcrawling
- Wing Manifestation/Flight
- Enhanced Senses
- Hive Mind (Social Wasps)
- Predator Instinct
- Mud Dauber Physiology (Mud Daubers)
- Symphyta Physiology (Sawflies)
- Usually only female wasps have a stinger.
Known Users[]
See Also: Wicked Wasps.
- Haruko Raharu (FLCL: Progressive); in her true form
- Bian (One Piece)
- Lydendor (Tenkai Knights)
- Kiira (Monster Musume)
- Hornet (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)
- Vesper Woman (Archie's Mega Man)
- Waspinator (Beast Wars: Transformers)
- Swarm (Danny Phantom)
- Bugbear (My Little Pony Series)
- Stingo (Fifi and the Flowertots)
- Hornetto (Fifi and the Flowertots)
- Shathra (Marvel Comics)
- Wasp Universe Sanchez Family (Rick & Morty)
- Janice Starlin (The Wasp Woman)
Live Television
- Vespiform (Doctor Who)
- Waspicable (Power Rangers in Space)
- Yua Yaiba/Kamen Rider Valkyrie (Kamen Rider Zero-One); via Lightning Hornet Progrise Key
- God Hachi (Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger)
- Nagabajim (Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger)
- Shun Yaguruma/Kamen Rideer Thebee (Kamen Rider Kabuto)
Tabletop/TCG Games
- Battlewasp Archetype (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Drill Driver Vespenato (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Pheromone Wasp (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Predaplant Byblisp (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Video Games
- Flymon (Digimon)
- Waspmon (Digimon)
- Zingers (Donkey Kong Country)
- Queen Sectonia (Kirby Triple Deluxe)
- Beedrill (Pokémon)
- Swarm (Skylanders)
- Buzzers (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Waspeen (Temtem)
- Lancers (RWBY)
After injecting herself with a formula made from the royal jelly of a queen wasp in an effort to make her young again, Janice Starlin (The Wasp Woman) periodically transformed into a murderous, wasp-like creature.