Superpower Wiki

The ability to manipulate water in all phases and convert from one phase to another. An advanced version of Water Manipulation.


The user can manipulate all three forms of water — liquid, solid and gas — as well as transform it from one phase to another. If advanced enough, one can convert water into the fourth phase, plasma.


  • Ice Manipulation
  • Vapor Manipulation
  • Thermal Manipulation
  • Water Manipulation
  • Freeze water into ice, creating solidified constructs.
  • Melt ice into water, dissolving all incoming ice attacks.
  • Evaporate water into mist, creating a blinding fog cover.
  • Condense gas into liquid, creating water out of moisture in air.
  • Sublimate ice straight into mist, creating a cover.
  • Use deposition to freeze vapor straight into ice, creating ice constructs out of thin air.
  • Boil water to intense levels, scalding opponents.
  • Kill Ice Mimicry users by melting or vaporizing them.
  • Kill Water Mimicry users by freezing or evaporating them.
  • Kill Smoke Mimicry users by freezing or liquifying them.


  • No water renders ability useless, unless one can generate water, ice or vapor.

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