Turtlebot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 2003 TV series)
Leivinia Birdway (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
Counter Guardian EMIYA (TYPE-MOON)
Shirou Emiya (TYPE-MOON)
Mega Man (Mega Man Series)
Mega Man X (Mega Man X Series)
Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY), with Anesidora
Kirby's (Kirby/Super Smash Bros.) Copy Ability enables him to mimic weapons, such as Sora's Keyblade...
...and Samus' Arm Cannon.
Skrulls (Marvel Comics)
Super-Adaptoid (Marvel Comics) can mimic weapons such as Captain America's shield, Iron Man's armor, Hawkeye's bow and arrows, and even Thor's Mjolnir.
Mega Man (Mega Man series) can replicate a wide variety of differing technology and weapons systems through his Variable Weapons System...
...as can his successor, Mega Man X.
Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY) replicating the weapon of Yang Xiao Long, shotgun gauntlets named Ember Celica, using hard-light Dust and her "weapon", a camera named Anesidora helping replicate it.
Emerl's (Sonic Battle) copy ability extends to the weapons of others...
...such as Amy's Piko Piko Hammer...
...and Chaos Gamma's arsenal.
Turtlebot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 2003 TV series) can mimic the four Turtles' weapons.
By using Index knowledge of 103,000 grimoires, Leivinia Birdway (Toaru Majutsu no Index) was able to construct a replica of Gungnir the lance which originally wielded by Othinus. Being a replica of the original it twisted its properties a bit, referred to by Leivinia as an imitation divine technique.
With Unlimited Blade Works, Counter Guardian EMIYA (TYPE-MOON) can reproduce any weapons he sees, though he has an easier time with swords.
With Unlimited Blade Works, Shirou Emiya (TYPE-MOON) can reproduce nearlyany weapons he sees, though he has an easier time with swords.
Mega Man VS Astro Boy - DEATH BATTLE!
Mega Man Battle Royale - DEATH BATTLE!
One Minute Melee - Samus Aran vs Mega Man (Nintendo vs Capcom)