Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to be immune to weight. Sub-power of Weight Manipulation and Physical Force Immunity.

Also Called[]

  • Heaviness-Immunity/Proof/Proofness
  • Weight Durability/Cancellation/Imperviousness/Invulnerability/Insulation/Nullification/Protection/Tolerance


User is unaffected by weight or weight-based abilities, making it so that extra weight and increasing the weight or decreasing it, or the direction of weight (since weight is a force) has no effect on them or the things and people they touch. This is different from Gravity Immunity for it also deals with immunity to weight abilities, and it does not necessarily have to do with gravity. Plus, it does not deal with the user's own weight, mainly. This also works on something's weight alone rather than gravity affecting everything in an area, and that said, the user can both move under their own weight and lift other heavy things, unlike with gravity powers.



  • Users of Fatigue Manipulation can defeat this power.
  • Users may still be able to feel pain.
  • May still be affected by supernatural powers such as Magic.

Known Users[]
