Superpower Wiki

Power to use the abilities of Werecat. Variation of Mythic Physiology and Feline Physiology.


User with this ability is a Werecat with the ability to transform into a feline or an anthropomorphic creature, gaining features of a feline such as domestic cat, tiger, lion, leopard, lynx, or any other type, including some that are purely mythical felines. Unlike werewolves, they aren't particularly connected to moon or have any weaknesses for silver or their other traditional weaknesses.

Many variations were considered to have connections to supernatural and even be themselves magic-users.




Known Users

  • Werecats (Folklore)
  • Bastet (White Wolf Publishing)
  • Werecats (Inheritence Cycle)
  • Rei (Breath of Fire 3)
  • Himari (Omamori Himari)
  • Mei Ren (Dance in the Vampire Bund)
  • Simone and Lena (Scooby Doo on Zombie Island)
  • Jaque (Scooby Doo on Zombie Island)
  • Carole (Big Wolf on Campus)
  • Schrödinger (Hellsing Ultimate)
  • Aisha Clan-Clan (Outlaw Star)

