- "It looks like bitey-kins here caught a case of hominis amphibulus."
"Homina-what, now?"
"Translation: the frog's bite turned you into a werebeast… Half-man, half-magical creature. Guess you got all the powers of a human-sized frog." - ― Fu-Dog discussing to the group about Spud's new physiology (American Dragon: Jake Long)
The power to use the abilities of a wereamphibian. Variation of Amphibian Physiology and Werebeast Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Hominis Amphibulus Physiology (Human Only)
- Humanoid Frog Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
- Wereamphibian Body/Form/Mimicry
- Werefrog Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
- Weretoad Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
The user with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into a wereamphibian.
- Amphibian Physiology
- Conversion/Therianthropic Infection
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Condition
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Body
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Agility
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Balance
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Dexterity
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Durability
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Endurance
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Flexibility
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Health
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Leap
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Reflexes
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Senses
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Speed
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Stamina
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Strength
- Regenerative Healing Factor
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Mind
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Body
- Transformation/Conditional Transformation
- Alternate Respiration
- Amphibian Physiology
- Animal Imitation
- Animal Morphing
- Egg Manipulation
- Stinger Protrusion
- Tail Manifestation
- Werebeast Physiology
- Wing Manifestation
- May need practice to change back into original form.
- Eating habits often altered.
- May require heat or cold from an ambient source.
Known Users[]
- Slaad (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Arthur Spudinski (American Dragon: Jake Long); Temporarily
- Jerso (Fullmetal Alchemist); Half human and half toad
- Snap (ChalkZone); Temporarily
- Thoad (Disney's Can of Worms)
- Mortimer Toynbee/Toad (Marvel Comics)