Superpower Wiki

The power to create white holes where matter and energy is abstained, reversed and released. Gravitational Singularity Generation is compulsorily needed inorder to create white holes. The opposite power of Black Hole Creation.

Also Called

  • White Hole Generation/Projection


Through Gravitational Singualrity, the user can relase matter and energy in a setting. Releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing the user to create exposures. While a black hole virtually sucks in anything, a white hole is the complete opposite, where it releases everything, causing the victim to be pushed by strong forces. Alas, causes destruction and choas through the releasing of strong forces.


  • Creation of white holes can be done in any time and place.
  • Will release everything, including, light, matter, vacuum, gravity and energy to form a constant blast.
  • Gravity Manipulation - while creating white holes, gravity is being pulled upwards as it is being manipulated.
  • Gravity Immunity - the user will be not affected, thus they cannot be forced push from a white hole.
  • Power Negation - all abilities and powers will be immune when they reach a distance between a white hole, so therefore, neither Intangibility nor Invulnerability will work.
  • Multipule white holes can be created in any time and place.


  • Gravitational Singularity Generation - the power to generate the centre of a white hole is compulsory inorder for this power to work.
  • History Manipulation - a white hole is cited in the past of space and time.


  • Users with solely Gravity Manipulation can repel from a white hole, through gravity, distancing themsevles.

Known Users

  • White Hole (Yu-Gi-Oh!) -trap card.