Superpower Wiki

The power to create white holes where matter and energy is abstained, reversed and released. The opposite power of Black Hole Creation.

Also Called

  • White Hole Generation/Projection


Through Gravitational Singularity, the user can release matter and energy in a setting, releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing the user to create exposures. Gravitational Singularity Generation or Space-Time Manipulation is compulsorily needed in order to create white holes. While a black hole virtually sucks in anything, a white hole is the complete opposite, where it releases everything, causing the victim to be pushed by strong forces.


  • Creation of white holes can be done in any time and place.
  • Will release everything, including, light, matter, vacuum, gravity and energy to form a constant blast.
  • Gravity Manipulation: while creating white holes, gravity is being pulled outwards as it is being manipulated.
  • Multiple white holes can be created in any time and place.



  • Users with solely Gravity Manipulation can repel from a white hole, through gravity, distancing themselves.

Known Users

  • "White Hole" trap card (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Andromeda Ascendent (Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda); by using 40 Nova-Bombs