Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"¡Ay, mis hijos, mis hijos!"
― La LLorona

The power to use traits of a White Lady. Variant of Ghost Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Green Lady Physiology (alternate subtype)
  • Kaperosa Physiology
  • White Lady Mimicry


Users of this ability either are or can gain the traits of a White Lady, a world-wide type of ghost that manifests as a woman dressed in white, often embodying great despair or curses they haunt the living either as passive spirits or as harbingers and witnesses of misfortune such as someone's death, and sometimes may even appear as banshee-like antagonists in popular culture.

They differ from ghosts in that they are exclusively female, there exists some variants of the White Lady as well, for example some of them are dressed in green and are thus known as Green Ladies - however Green Ladies can also be a case of mistaken identity since many fairies also wear green.

White Ladies walk or haunt specific locations (typically at night), and are unique from most ghosts in the fact they almost exclusively deal with some kind of curse or more progressed haunting in their victims (typically men and/or children).

White Ladies are said to induce great amounts of fear, sadness, or suicidal thoughts by their mere presence, or in some way have a mental influence.





Known Users[]

  • White Lady (World Folklore)
  • Green Lady (World Folklore)

