Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to create, shape and manipulate world trees. Sub-power of Otherworld Manipulation. Variation of Esoteric Wood, Tree, and Axis Mundi Manipulation.

Also Known[]


The user has the power to create, shape and manipulate world trees. World trees are said to be massive, supernatural trees that connect all of humanity, nature and the world with each other and with the other realms such as the underworld and the heavens, acting as an anchor to most, if not all of existence.

The imagery of a world tree is present in many religions and mythologies all around the world. Users who are in control of a world tree could be omnipotent or nigh-omnipotent themselves due to everything world trees are connected too also being within their control.

Variations of the concept include the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation, and the tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, both considered forms of the world tree and portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree.






Known Users[]

Known World Trees[]

See also: World Tree.

