- "Phenom is on his feet again, a little wobbly but still game. He's got his hands up, blades extended. Either of those things might take my head off like a dandelion."
- ― Dr. Impossible, Soon I Will Be Invincible
The ability to be a master of wrist-mounted wielding blades. Variation of Bladed Weapon Proficiency and Wrist-Mounted Weapon Proficiency.
Also Called[]
- Arm-Mounted Blade Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
- Forearm-Mounted Blade Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
- Pata/Patta Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
- Wrist-Mounted Blade Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery
The user, innately, is a master of wielding arm-mounted blades. They can wield arm-blades with great skill in hand condition, agility, and moderate attack power.
- Counter
- Cutting
- Concealed Weapon Proficiency
- Defense Break
- Deflection
- Peak Human/Enhanced Precision
- Pressure/Precise Strike
- Impale
- Slash Effect/Projection
- Bionic Physiology
- Blade Retraction
- Enhanced Clawmanship
- Enhanced Combat Mastery
- Enhanced Swordsmanship
- Fist-Load Weapon Proficiency
- Intuitive Aptitude
- Katar Proficiency
- Knife Proficiency
- Wrist-Mounted Weapon Proficiency
- May require a degree of training or exposure.
- May take time to achieve mastery.
Known Users[]
See Also: Blade Below the Shoulder.
- Sally Acorn (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Dinoponera (Arachnid)
- Sevika (Arcane)
- Various Armored Core pilots (Armored Core)
- Assassins (Assassin's Creed)
- Haytham Kenway (Assassin's Creed)
- Shay Cormac (Assassin's Creed)
- Sword Legion (Astral Chain)
- Ikuro Hashizawa (Baoh Raihosha)
- Guyver Units (Bio-Booster Armor Guyver)
- Sho Fukamachi/Guyver I
- Agito Makishima/Guyver III
- Andrew McCormick/Blue Stinger Beetleborg (Big Bad Beetleborg)
- Sidorak (Bionicle)
- Hydraxon (Bionicle)
- Takadox (Bionicle)
- Creed Diskenth (Black Cat)
- Murakumo Units (BlazBlue)
- Lamda-11
- Mu-12/Noel Vermillion
- Nu-13
- Rayne (BloodRayne)
- Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Buffyverse)
- Samurai Sword/Katana Man (Chainsaw Man)
- Mantis Blade users (Cyberpunk series)
- Albert Heinrich/Cyborg 004 (Cyborg 009); via magnetism blade (left hand)
- Skulker (Danny Phantom)
- Death (Darksiders)
- Azrael (DC Comics)
- Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)
- Chris Gordon (Demon Accors)
- Adam Jensen ("Deus Ex")
- Ben Saxon ("Deus Ex")
- BlackWarGrowlmon (Digimon)
- MagnaAngemon (Digimon)
- Paildramon (Digimon)
- Stingmon (Digimon)
- WarGrowlmon (Digimon)
- Doom Slayer (Doom 2016 reboot series)
- Goku Black (Dragon Ball Super)
- Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super)
- Torafusa (Fairy Tail)
- Kiros Seagill (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Jackal (Fist of the North Star)
- Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Hitsugi (Gintama)
- Chipp Zanuff (Guilty Gear)
- Banagher Links (Gundam Universal Century'); via the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam
- Nin Riser (Chouseishin Series)
- Sangheili (Halo)
- Guido-Fire (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Condor (Hero Killer)
- Grayman (Hero Killer)
- Issei Hyodo (Highschool DxD)
- Karl Ruprecht Kroenen (Hellboy)
- Hyuk Musang (World’s Greatest Senior Disciple)
- Invader (Hours)
- Peashy/Yellow Heart (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Rex/Robot (Image Comics)
- Cole MacGrath (Infamous)
- Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency)
- J. Gail (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders); via Hanged Man
- Takuya Kai/Blue Beetle (Juukou B-Fighter)
- Kamen Rider G3/G3-X (Kamen Rider Agito)
- Kazumi Sawatari/Kamen Rider Grease (Kamen Rider Build)
- Ryuga Banjo/Kamen Rider Cross-Z Charge (Kamen Rider Build)
- Gentaro Kisaragi/Kamen Rider Fourze (Kamen Rider Fourze); via the Scissors Switch and the Claw Switch
- Kamen Rider The Bee (Kamen Rider Kabuto); via Rider Form
- Masashi Sudo/Kamen Rider Scissors (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
- Volcancer (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
- Maki/Kamen Rider Naki (Kamen Rider Zero-One)
- Fulgore (Killer Instinct)
- Kassadin (League of Legends)
- Zed (League of Legends)
- Ginta Toramizu (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Snow (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Ian (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Girom (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Flat Sisters (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Norman Osborn/Green Goblin (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Lin Lie/Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)
- Niles Van Roekel (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- Blade Man (Mega Man)
- Sword Man (Mega Man)
- Tengu Man (Mega Man)
- X (Mega Man X/Zero); via the Blade Armor
- MegaMan Volnutt (Mega Man Legends)
- ProtoMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
- Allelujah Haptism/Hallelujah (Mobile Suit Gundam 00); via the GN-003 Gundam Kyrios
- Setsuna F. Seiei (Mobile Suit Gundam 00); via the GN-001 Gundam Exia, the GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair, the GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser, and the GN-001REII Gundam Exia Repair II
- Trowa Barton (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing); via the XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms and XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Custom
- Tarkatans (Mortal Kombat)
- Baraka
- Guren (Naruto)
- Kakkō (Naruto)
- Seikai/Ninja Yellow (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger)
- Tsurumihe/Ninja White (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger)
- League of Shadows (Nolanverse)
- Ra's al Ghul/Henri Ducard
- Grovyle (Pokémon)
- Sceptile (Pokémon)
- Ransik (Power Rangers Time Force)
- Yautja (Predator series)
- Gipsy Dangers (Pacific Rim)
- Striker Eureka (Pacific Rim)
- Obsidian Fury (Pacific Rim)
- Gipsy Avengers (Pacific Rim); via the Obsidian Fury Sword
- Striker Berserker (Pacific Rim)
- Ruber (Quest For Camelot) with Arthur's sword Excalibur.
- Vikir Van Baskerville (Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound)
- RoboCop (RoboCop)
- Gein (Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration)
- Tyrian (RWBY)
- Ezekiel Clench (Samurai Jack)
- Jigsaw (Saw)
- Cobra (Shadow Fight)
- Ishtar/Void Speaker (Shadow Fight)
- Shadow's Descendant (Shadow Fight)
- Cindy Burman/Shiv (StarGirl)
- 38 (Star Wars: Republic Commando)
- Spy (Team Fortress 2)
- Oroku Saki/Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- T-1000 (Terminator series)
- T-X (Terminator series)
- Ryouma Kagawa/Fire (Tokkei Winspector/Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain)
- Optimus Prime (Transformers franchise); in some installments
- Dino/Mirage (Transformers film series)
- Megatron (Transformers: Prime)
- Spyder-Knight (Ultimate Spider-Man)
- Ultraman Fuma (Ultra Series)
- Kyrieloid (Ultra Series)
- Riku Asakura/Ultraman Geed (Ultra Series); via Acro Smasher
- Ultraman Ginga (Ultra Series)
- Ultraman Hikari/Hunter Knight Tsurugi (Ultra Series)
- Ultraman Mebius/Mirai Hibino (Ultra Series)
- Zangill (Ultraman Blazar)
- Andy (Undead Unluck)
- Victor (Undead Unluck)
- Allegro (Vampire in the Garden)
- Soldiers of Vampire Kingdom (Vampire in the Garden)
- Fine (Vampire in the Garden)
- Robo 47 (War Of The Monsters)
- Togera (War Of The Monsters)
- Makyura the Destructor (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Known Wrist-Mounted Blades[]
- Laser Blades (Armored Core); except for the 5th Generation ones
- Hidden Blades (Assassin' Creed)
- Composite Blade
- Hookblades
- Pivot Blade
- Poison Blade
- Shock Blades
- Trident Blade
- Two-Pronged Blade
- Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon (Baoh Raihosha)
- Doomblade (Doom Eternal)
- Combat Nano-Ceramic Blades or Nanoblade ("Deus Ex")
- Bladed Automail (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Beam Tonfa (Gundam Universal Century)
- Energy Dagger (Halo)
- Light Slip Blades (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency)
- Stinger Blade (Juukou B-Fighter)
- GS-03 Destroyer (Kamen Rider Agito)
- Twin Breaker (Kamen Rider Build); in Attack Mode
- Armed Claw (Kamen Rider Geats)
- The Bee Zecter (Kamen Rider Kabuto); as the TheBee Needle
- Scissors Pinch (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
- Scissors Visor (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
- Nihon Ookaminotsume (Kamen Rider Zero-One)
- Blade Armor's Arm Parts (Mega Man X)
- Blade Arm (Mega Man Legends)
- GN Shield Needle (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
- GN Sword (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
- GN Sword Kai
- GN Sword III (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
- Army Knife (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
- Tarkatan Blades (Mortal Kombat)
- Shinobi Knuckle (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger)
- White Beak
- Yellow Claw
- Wristblade (Predator series)
- Whip Katars (Shadow Fight)
- Chelicerae
- Vipers
- Sharp Dresser (Team Fortress 2)
- Steel Claws (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Max Calibur (Tokkei Winspector/Tokkyu Shirei Solbrain)
- Energon-axe (The Transformers)
- Energon Sword (Transformers film series)
- Fusion Cannon (Transformers: Prime); with the blade retracted
- Ginga Saber (Ultra Series)
- Knight Brace (Ultra Series); via the Knight Beam Blade
- Mebius Brace (Ultra Series); via the Mebium Blade
- Slash Sword (Ultra Series)
- Smash Beam Blade (Ultra Series)
Dinoponera (Arachnid) is equipped with a pair of retractable elbow needle gauntlets, laced with bullet ant venom, that she wields with deadly ferocity.
Creed Diskenth (Black Cat) using his Imagine Blade Level Max to create a gigantic arm blade that envelopes his entire arm, wielding it with tremendous destructive power.
Honed from years of fighting on the frontlines and countless assassinations, Hyuk Musang (World’s Greatest Senior Disciple) is a supreme and deadly master in the use of his Heavenly Sword, having killed countless martial artists and masters in mere seconds.
Hitsugi (Gintama) is equipped with a pair of wrist blades that he wields with tremendous skill and force, easily splitting a man in two.
Issei Hyodou (Highschool DxD) can combine the holy sword Ascalon and his Boosted Gauntlet as powerful melee weapons.
Cole MacGrath (Infamous) can generate blades of pure electricity around his arms to slice his opponents.
Kars' (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency) Light Slip Blades are sharp enough to cut through most objects, including a car and bullets at blinding speeds.
Takuya Kai/Blue Beetle (Juukou B-Fighter)/Andrew McCormick/The Blue Stinger Beetleborg (Big Bad Beetleborg) wielding the Stinger Blade.
Ginta (Marchen Awakens Romance) can wield the blade created with Babbo's first version at a great level.
Snow (Marchen Awakens Romance) can use her Ice Ring to turn her hand into a blade of ice. Through her training with Ginta, she has learned to wield the blade at a proficient level.
Each of the Flat Sisters (Marchen Awakens Romance) possesses the Ghost ÄRM, Scalpel, which allows them to turn their hands into blades at will.
Gein (Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration) using a pair of retractable wrist blades to finish his ensnared opponents skillfully.
Jigsaw (Saw)
Ultraman Ginga's (Ultra Series) crystals shine with the White Plasma Energy, before creating the Ginga Saber from his right arm.
Ultraman Hikari/Hunter Knight Tsurugi (Ultra Series) can summon the Knight Beam Blade from his Knight Brace.