Superpower Wiki

The power to take on the traits of a Yakubyo Gami. Mix of Plague Deity Physiology and Yokai Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Yakubyo Gami Mimicry


Users of this ability are either a member of the Yakubyo Gami or can mimic them. These are a class of yokai that are devoted to spreading disease, sickness and misery across the lands and as a result are the more evil and dangerous of the many yokai families found in Japanese folklore - they range wildly in scale and purpose with some being microscopic personifications of illness and others being near-godlike monsters but they all share a link in the fact the embody disease and hardship.


As a collective group they possess:





  • Vulnerable to certain rituals and prayers, especially those of a Shrine Maiden or Shinto Priest.

Known Users[]

  • Korori (Japanese Folklore)
  • Kaze No Kami (Japanese Folklore)
  • Keukegen (Japanese Folklore)
  • Yonaki Baba (Japanese Folklore)
  • Mikari Baba (Japanese Folklore)
  • Hosogami (Japanese Folklore)
  • Hashika Doji (Japanese Folklore)
  • Mimimushi (Japanese Folklore)
  • Momonjii (Japanese Folklore)
  • Gyukan (Japanese Folklore)
  • Akuchu (Japanese Folklore)
  • Haishaku (Japanese Folklore)
  • Hinoshu (Japanese Folklore)
  • Umakan (Japanese Folklore)
  • Gyochu (Japanese Folklore)
  • Amazake Baba (Japanese Folklore)
  • Sano Mikoto (Youkai Gakkou no Sensei Hajimemashita!)

