The power to mimic yarn. Sub-power of Yarn Manipulation. Variation of Thread Mimicry.
Also Called[]
- Yarn Physiology/Mimicry/Body/Form
The user has the power to mimic the properties of yarn.
- Binding by trapping and/or engulfing objects
- Contaminant Immunity
- Disease Immunity
- Elasticity
- Enhanced Dexterity
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Lung Capacity or Oxygen Independence
- Flat Body
- Hollow Physiology
- Malleable Anatomy
- Self-Hole Forming
- Size Manipulation
- Thermal Resistance
- Thread Generation
- Tight Space Maneuvering
- Whip Generation by using body as a whip
- Some users may not be able to return to their original body/form.
Known Users[]
- Various characters (Kirby's Epic Yarn)
- Yarn People of Nylar 4 (Futurama)
- Knitted Muscle Man (Regular Show)
- Purl (Purl)
- Pile of Yarn (Wishfart)