Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of the Yule Cat. Variation of Christmas Entity and Fearsome Critter Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Jólakötturinn Mimicry/Physiology
  • Yule Cat Mimicry


The user either is or can take on the traits/abilities or even transform into the Yule Cat, a fearsome creature from Icelandic Christmas folklore.

The Yule Cat is said to take the appearance of an absolutely gigantic cat, larger than any house and typically portrayed as resembling the Norwegian Forest Cat breed but it’s also been described and portrayed as resembling a giant black cat as well depending on regions. The Yule Cat is said to be a man-eating beast that hunts for people at night on Christmas Eve, usually targeting children who are out past their bedtime or refused to wear the new clothes they’ve received as Christmas presents or haven’t gotten any new clothes for Christmas at all, due to this, the Yule Cat is usually used as a boogeyman figure to scare kids into behaving or be grateful for getting new clothes on Christmas instead of toys. Because of this, the Yule Cat is used as a symbolic figure to represent thankfulness and the habit of choosing practical things you need over the things you want. The Yule Cat can also be seen as a representation of the harshness of winter and how the cold can be deadly if one is not properly dressed for it.

The threat of being eaten by the Yule Cat was also used by farmers as incentive for their workers to finish processing the autumn wool before Christmas. The ones who took part in the work would be rewarded with new clothes, but those who did not would get nothing and thus be preyed upon by the monstrous cat.



Known Users[]

  • Yule Cat (Icelandic Folklore)

